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时间:2023-07-20 10:14:47 来源:赣州二手商品资讯




1. 行政管理



2. 后勤保障



3. 人事招募



4. 技术支持







This blog post is about the work of civilian personnel in the military, specifically focusing on their roles and responsibilities. It emphasizes that civilian personnel contribute to national defense and security just like active military personnel, but in non-combat positions. The post discusses various aspects of their work, including administrative management, logistics support, recruitment and personnel management, as well as technical support. The post highlights the importance of civilian personnel in administrative management, as they draft, review, and implement various documents, orders, and regulations, while also assisting leadership in fulfilling their management responsibilities. It emphasizes the need for strong organizational and coordination skills, as well as effective communication and decision-making abilities. Regarding logistics support, the post emphasizes that civilian personnel play a crucial role in ensuring the smooth operation of the military by managing procurement, equipment maintenance, and catering services. It points out the complexity and specificity of military logistics compared to civilian enterprises, requiring expertise in procurement processes and military equipment maintenance standards. In terms of recruitment and personnel management, the blog post highlights the support provided by civilian personnel. They are responsible for personnel file management, recruitment promotion, assessment, and evaluation. It emphasizes the importance of strict recruitment procedures and criteria to ensure the quality of military personnel. The post also addresses the growing demand for technical support in modern military operations. Civilian personnel are responsible for information technology infrastructure, equipment maintenance, and communication support. Their expertise and technical capabilities are vital in ensuring the combat effectiveness and level of digitization within the military. In conclusion, the blog post emphasizes the significant role civilian personnel play in the military. It highlights their contributions in administrative management, logistics support, recruitment, and technical support, all vital for the smooth functioning and operational capabilities of the military. The post encourages individuals interested in this field to consider applying for civilian positions in the military, where they can contribute to the nation's security and development through their professional expertise and dedication.

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