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时间:2022-09-06 05:17:56 来源:赣州二手商品资讯

法律分析:2016年5月16日,原告丁某某在被告深圳市某某二手车交易有限公司购买了一辆银灰色VOLVO S60二手小汽车,并签订了《车辆销售协议》,补充条款(手写):提车后,后果自负,如有重大事故,泡水车全额退款。签订合同当日,原告向被告支付了全部购车款共计184500元。2016年5月17日,车辆过户至原告儿子丁某的名下。2016年5月23日,原告购买了机动车交强险及商业保险共计花费7772元。同日,原告将车辆开至4S店内做保养,4S店的维修师傅告知原告,该车曾因泡水于2014年4月21日在4S店内清洗发动机、拆装内饰,共花费15290元。原告寻求深圳都市频道路路通栏目的帮助,并邀请汽修专家对案涉车辆进行现场查验。汽修专家称,涉案车辆波箱盖已经氧化,线束有水泡痕迹,初步判断涉案车辆系泡水车。原告自述其了解到,原一手车主在2016年4月7日将该车以23000元的价格转让给被告。原告认为被告明知车辆为泡水车却在卖车时隐瞒,以远低于市场合理价格购入该二手车后又高价销售给原告,其行为构成欺诈,最终起诉至法院,诉请解除合同、退还车辆及返回购车款184500元及赔偿三倍购车款553500元等。


法律依据:《中华人民共和国消费者权益保护法》第三条 经营者为消费者提供其生产、销售的商品或者提供服务,应当遵守本法;本法未作规定的,应当遵守其他有关法律、法规。

《中华人民共和国消费者权益保护法》第二十三条 经营者应当保证在正常使用商品或者接受服务的情况下其提供的商品或者服务应当具有的质量、性能、用途和有效期限;但消费者在购买该商品或者接受该服务前已经知道其存在瑕疵,且存在该瑕疵不违反法律强制性规定的除外。



外国二手车市场现状 英文资料

Car market analysis

The new car market slowed yet again in May. Analysis by the Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders (SMMT) showed that the month's 187,900 registrations failed to match the figures for either 2003 or 2004. Overall new car registrations are running at about 1.2 million to for the year to date and were down 6% for the January-May 2005 period. Private sales over the same period are down by 12%, showing a significant crisis of confidence in this sector. The SMMT estimates that total new car sales will reach 2.45 million in 2005 - that's a clear 5% lower than 2003?s record-breaking 2,579,000 sales - and some experts believe the figure could be lower if demand by private motorists continues to weaken.

Despite gloomier news from the showrooms, two new records were set in May. Firstly, diesel registrations accounted for 36.8% of the total market. Sales of diesel vehicles are expected to take over 35% of the new car market this year (source: SMMT). A litre of diesel is now over 90p at many pumps, and with the Petrol Retailers Association warning of the imminent possibility of fuel prices hitting £1 a litre, the cost-cutting appeal of diesel cars will continue to underpin firm used prices for diesel models.

The second record-breaker was a boom in sales of new convertibles - over 11,000 left the showrooms in May, taking 6% of the market. The UK now has the second largest convertible market in Europe. Prices of used soft tops are currently at their summer peak, with traders chasing sought-after cars such as A4 Cabrio, 3-Series, CLK Cabrio and 9-3 when they come up at auction.

Out on the forecourts, used car business remains patchy. While there is always demand for tidy high-spec cars - particularly superminis and family hatchbacks with turbo-diesel engines - buyers are shying away from older family cars with high mileages. These may look cheap, but canny buyers know that repair costs are rising steadily, so most punters choose to pay more for fewer miles and greater peace of mind.

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